AM General Re-Entering Civilian Vehicle Marketplace with Humvee C-Series Kit Car

After 12 years of being out of the business of selling vehicles to the general public, AM General is jumping back into the civilian market with the Humvee C-Series – a kit-car offering that will conform to the various constraints put on the automaker by the HUMMER deal with General Motors and U.S. Government regulations and emissions standards, according to multiple sources within AM General and those present during a recent focus-group-type discussion with the Canadian HUMMER Club.
First some background. The legal situation between AM General and General Motors is complicated, but we wrote about the specifics a few years back when there was some confusion as to who owned what when GM was trying to unload the HUMMER brand to a third party. Without getting into too much detail here, the only way for AM General to offer a vehicle to the civilian market while protecting the terms of their agreement with GM would be to fundamentally change anything that was unique to the H1 civilian vehicle, and not call it an H1 or even a HUMMER. At the time I said “It’s highly unlikely that AM General would try to design a completely new vehicle that didn’t look or have the same technology as the H1 and market it to civilians,” – and that’s still true. However I was only considering the possibility they would be selling a complete vehicle, not a kit-car, which clears many of the hurdles keeping AM General out of the civilian game.